In our gospel the crowd says to Jesus, “What can we do to accomplish the works of God?” I was expecting an answer like live the ten commandments, or to do some acts of service or help the poor. Jesus’ answer is a bit more puzzling for the crowd and maybe for us. Jesus says, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.”
Hmmm? Just believe in Jesus?
In this passage the meaning of what Jesus is saying is much more than intellectual assent, it is the radical and complete reorientation of one’s life. It is an invitation to follow Jesus, but it also requires understanding and living our lives with new priorities. To live out the Gospel – Jesus words. And this requires us to trust him.
It is a test for the crowd and a test for us.
It is so easy to get stuck on immediate needs – food, clothing, paying the bills, getting our work done. And what is our prayer like? Certainly we ask “for our daily bread”, for God to help us with these things. But Jesus is calling us to a more radical shift, to trust him completely and to live like him. Jesus says he will provide, but we need to trust him with everything.
Each time we come to Mass, Jesus is there and shares his life in both the Word and the Eucharist, but that is so we can become Jesus and realize this total commitment when we go out into our daily lives of family, work and service. Then the Works of God are accomplished.