Have you had a chance to fill out a “Membership Directory Information Consent Form yet? It is the easiest first step you can take to join our parish’s new church directory. This form can be found at the church doors or on the parish website. Once you have completed this step, either dropped off the form at the rectory, place it in the offertory basket, or send it to stewardship@st.vincentchurch.com. You will receive a welcome note. Once this has happened, our church directory will be available to view on your computer!
You can then go to https://members.instantchurchdirectory.com/. You will be asked to enter your email address as it's listed in our directory. If your email address isn't listed in the directory, let stewardship@stvincentchurch.com know so it can be added or corrected. Once you have entered your email address, follow the directions on-screen to complete the create log-in process. After you sign in, you'll see the most up-to-date directory for our church. Any time updates are made, they will show on the Online Members' Website, too.
Down the road you may want to even add this program to your mobile device by going to the app store and simply searching for "Instant Church Directory" to get the download.