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A Eucharistic Revival

July 24, 2024

By Fr. Norm Douglas

In the midst of our three-year Eucharistic revival, recently our Catholic National Eucharistic Congress was held and celebrated in Indianapolis. Thousands of people came from all over our country to give witness to our belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ nourishing us at Mass with his very Body and Blood. We also experience his real presence in the Scriptures proclaimed to us because Jesus is indeed God’s Word. The Lord desires to transform us daily toward living more the way of our Master Teacher, Jesus

Christ. When we gather at every Mass, we are reminded that Jesus told us “Wherever 2 or more are gathered in my name – there I am in the midst of you.” Together as a parish community we are the Body of Christ making a Gospel difference in our world.

As the National Eucharistic Congress moved toward conclusion the emphasis was on all of us

going back to our homes, schools, workplaces and communities to become more powerful

witnesses of Jesus Christ through

  • Evangelization, living and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and drawing people closer to him in Worship and daily life.

  • Mission, each doing our part to strengthen our outreach in our local wider community, our nation and our world, especially through fostering greater justice and peace and active concern for everyone, especially the vulnerable with no one excluded.

Mission, each doing our part to strengthen our outreach in our local wider community, our

nation and our world, especially through fostering greater justice and peace and active con-

cern for everyone, especially the vulnerable with no one excluded.

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