I want to thank all who were involved in the Christmas in July preparation and parish celebration last weekend. There was a wonderful spirit of coming together as parish family at our weekend Celebrations of Eucharist. The greatest gift that we receive and share is the real presence of Jesus Christ. We experience that deeply when we are fully conscious of, open to, and willing to be transformed by his Presence, His Body and Blood which nourishes our deepest hunger for a Love that is ever present, ever merciful, and everlasting.
Our Catholic faith also reminds us that Jesus Christ is present in the Word proclaimed each week. Our reading Scripture daily and listening to the Word when it is proclaimed is also meant to make a real and lasting impact on our daily lives – what we do, why and how we do it. We are called to take the Word we hear, the Food we share, and the Community we are, as the Body of Christ, into the world that needs to see Christ alive in us. Please consider using the booklets we offer at the church exits each month which provide daily Scripture readings and powerful meditations for our prayer.
You will learn more in the coming months about our upcoming opportunities to strengthen the ways individually and together, that we live our three Christ-centered core parish priorities: Faith Formation, Evangelization (sharing God’s love), and Community Outreach, reaching out to the neighborhood around us in showing by our lives that we care.