I remember my First Communion back in second grade, I was at St. Bernard’s school in Sr. Beatrice’s class. I knew I would be receiving Jesus and could not wait for this special moment. For me it was a heartfelt experience and even for a second grader, mysterious – we would receive God-Jesus as food. I was so happy and have always felt close to the Lord in receiving the Eucharist.
Today is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This feast honors Jesus Christ, really, truly present in body, soul and divinity under the appearances of bread and wine. This Real Presence when at the consecration of the Mass, the priest says the words which Christ Himself pronounced over bread and wine, “This is My Body,” “This is the chalice of My Blood,” “Do this in
remembrance of Me.”
This past year our parish has been growing in our understanding and relationship to Jesus in the Eucharist. All year we have been having Eucharistic Adoration on Saturdays before the 5pm Mass; last month we celebrated Solemn Eucharistic devotions and this summer we will be having a series of talks on Wednesdays on the Mass and the Eucharist beginning June 19th. And, on Monday, June 24th the Bishop invites us to a Ballpark Mass at Canal Park to celebrate with him as a community the sending off our diocesan delegates to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Jesus comes to us as fully himself in the Eucharist, to love us and be united with us. This Panis Angelicus (Bread of Angels – as St. Thomas Aquinas calls Him) is the Living Bread which feeds us in this life on our journey to God. So, we take this day to remember and try to appreciate this gift of love from Jesus – and give thanks!