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As We Transition To Summer

May 22, 2024

By Fr. Norm Douglas

Congratulations to all the students who are graduating from some level of education during this season. Our own 8th graders celebrated their moving on from our parish school this past Monday, May 20th at a 6 PM Mass. Some of them have been part of the parish school for 11 years, beginning with our preschool program.

We thank all the family and staff in our school and at every school for their dedicated service, for their teaching ministry with young people. Teachers are indeed ministers touching the minds, hearts, and souls of our youth.

We pray especially for all parish families that during the summer months you may have opportunities to come closer to one another, to partner with God in making our planet and our human family better. Please remember to integrate a deeper sense of God’s guidance and love into all that you do. The greatest gift a parent or teacher can give to our young is a vital faith, centered in following the Way of Jesus Christ and grounded in our rich Catholic Christian heritage.

This Memorial Day weekend we remember in a special way all who have given their lives for the cause of peace, justice, and freedom. We pray for all our departed loved ones who sacrificed on a daily basis to care for us, to show us by their example how to be committed followers of Jesus Christ.

You can put the names of any departed loved ones in our “Remembrance Book” which is on the podium of the Blessed Virgin Mary side of our church.

Please consider participating in our Memorial Day Celebration of Eucharist this Monday at 9 AM. Continuing a tradition we began last year, we will gather at our Parish Cemetery located at 550 W. Market St. We will remember all our departed, especially veterans going back to the Civil War. If it is raining our Mass will be held at church.

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