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Thank You For Being My Family!

June 3, 2024

By Fr. Norm Douglas

I am writing this reflection on Monday, June 3, after a painful digestive issue I experienced yesterday, Sunday. For the first time in my 50 years, I was unable to celebrate a Sunday Eucharist (our 11 AM Mass.) I was taken by ambulance to an area hospital to make sure this wasn’t serious. Thankfully – It wasn’t! I was able to come back to the parish (my family home) at around 2 PM. I will spare you any details about what they did but I am deeply appreciative for modern medicine.

Many of you called, texted, reached out to whomever you could, to check on me and keep me in your prayer. I have always been grateful and moved to tears by the love people have shown me in all my assignments as a priest – St. Barnabas, Holy Family, St. Martha (now Blessed Trinity), Heart to Heart Communications, Newman Campus Ministry, St. Bernard, and now for the past 8+ years

at St. Vincent de Paul. As you know, I have no biological family in this life. My mom was my sole relative. Shortly before she left this life in 1997, she told me that she would be praying that I would experience family love from all the people who would be part of my daily life. That prayer and obviously God’s loving presence I have experienced deeply every single day.

At my Mass of Thanksgiving on June 9, 1974 I included and still believe deeply in this expression: “The call of a Christian is to find joy in bringing joy to others.” And, of course, that is the call for every human being. Each of us is a beloved child of God. Our Creator has fashioned us in such a way that we find our deepest purpose and fulfillment in partnering with God, especially through Jesus, in overcoming fear with faith, negativity with hope, and indifference with active concern for others, especially the most vulnerable. And, especially in these times, overcoming hate with an ever present, everlasting divine and human love.

I can truly say that my life has been an ongoing adventure filled with unexpected graces (God moments) and caring relationships nurtured. There have been challenges which continue to remind me of this important faith perspective – “Lord, you are God and I am not.”

The enthusiasm I had on the day I was called to priestly ministry continues. I am grateful that the Lord has a good sense of humor in the way he calls each one of us and works in us, through us, and in spite of us.

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