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You Are Not Alone

October 10, 2024

By Father Norm Douglas

For the last few years our parish has had a regularly scheduled Sharing Grief support group – one of the most important outreach ministries. This gathering is open to all who have experienced the death of a loved one recently or even several years ago. We want to be supportive of those experiencing loss not only at the time of death, but in the time that follows.

Every year we bring people for the annual Remembrance Mass in Church on All Souls Day, November 2. This year, it falls on a Saturday and our Mass will be celebrated November 2 at 10 AM. We invite all who have lost loved ones since last November 2 and any others who wish to participate in this Remembrance Mass. We will remember and pray for and with those we have loved. This will include a homily, reading of names, and brief inner healing prayer. We will have a brunch immediately after the Mass for connecting with one another.

Please consider participating even if you are not currently grieving someone. Your support of others makes a diference. Also, you are encouraged to invite others who are not part of our parish community. All of us as human beings experience loss and comfort from one another and from our faith.

Our year-long monthly support group is facilitated by people who have the background, empathy, and spirituality to bring people together who are experiencing some sense of loss. It may be from the loss of a loved one or the loss of a job, or something not in our control that changes our lives.

Please remember that we will continue to pray for all those who grieve and those who support them,

Father Norm and the Sharing Grief Ministry Team

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