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Thank You, Mary, For Saying "YES" To God!

May 9, 2024

By Fr. Norm Douglas

On this Mother’s Day weekend, we give thanks that our Catholic Christian tradition emphasizes the role that a young woman from Nazareth called Mary, played by saying yes to God. She gave birth to our Lord, Savior, and friend Jesus Christ. We do not worship her. We do revere and honor her for her lifelong and eternal “Yes”-for her ongoing prayer for each of us that her son, Jesus Christ, will be the greatest influence in our lives. 

Women throughout these centuries have been vital in living and sharing their uplifting and challenging faith. Mary Magdalene, in all 4 Gospels, was the first to experience Jesus as risen and the one sent by our Lord to be “the apostle to the apostles.

We also honor all the women in our parish, including those who serve in our Day School, PSR, and Parish Staff. We recognize that women have been a faith filled presence in our families, church, and in the wider world. 

Thanks to all the women of our parish and surrounding community who show us in many ways God’s creative, nurturing, and strengthening love.

I encourage you to attend the St. Vincent de Paul Parish Recognition Brunch next Sunday, May 19 12:30 PM-2:30 PM. While several individual parishioners will be recognized for their contributions, we invite all to participate. Whether we make a difference at church, in the workplace, or in the wider community – the Lord recognizes and reminds all of us that we are called to be his faithful followers 24/7. See elsewhere in this bulletin for how you can make a reservation. 

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