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Seek, And You Shall Find

September 5, 2024

By Fr. Norm Douglas

Do you know anyone not active in any church, who is seeking a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life? Are you aware of people who are experiencing difculties in their lives and don’t realize they can look the Lord and to us as a parish for understanding and care? Have you or anyone you know been thinking about the Catholic faith but not yet taken the frst step to get information? Are you in a life circumstance which you believe may cause us to judge you and not want you to be part of our community – that is not true. As Pope Francis says, “Everyone Belongs.” One fnal category – are you a Catholic Christian who would like to deepen your own faith?

Please invite and accompany any person who fts one of these descriptions to come to a friendly and informative session to learn more about our Catholic Christian faith and parish. You may ask someone and/or, come yourself to the following gathering – Sunday, September 22 between the Masses (9:40-10:45 AM). This session will be held in our Family Center Scullen Room entering at the back of the parking lot between the school and church. 

When you invite people, know that this frst session is not asking for an ongoing commitment from anyone. The main focus will be responding to their questions and concerns about our faith and possibilities for their faith development.

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