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God's Universal Love

September 18, 2024

By Father Norm Douglas

I will be gone this coming week – Monday, September 23 through Friday, September 27. I will be with Father Dominic (remember him!) in Washington DC as we visit many of the historic sites that remind us of the best we are called to be as a nation. In two years, 2026, we will not only celebrate but reflect prayerfully upon the 250th anniversary of our nation’s founding. The last time I was in our national capital was in 1976 when we celebrated our 200th anniversary. This was not long after Richard Nixon resigned as President and the Vietnam War was ended. Indeed, it was a time of tumult and transition.

However, I believed then and now that we are a resilient nation and at our best a genuinely caring people. We are called to come together again as we did in 1976 and immediately after 9/11 2001. Please seriously consider participating in the 5 sessions series encouraged by our American bishops appropriately entitled Many Voices, One Spirit. Information is elsewhere in this bulletin. Encourage others to come with you.

Please note the focus our bishops are giving. This faith-filled and practical series invites us to talk about and then put into action new skills and practices intended to build bridges with people who do not see things as we do. The two greatest commandments Jesus gave us are – love God with your whole being and love your neighbor as yourself. There are 45 days until the November 5th election – just about the same number of days in Lent. May our off-Lent penitential practice be – not to compromise our beliefs, centered in the way of Jesus, but live the way of Jesus furthering God’s ever- present universal love.

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