On Saturday, May 4th, we are gathering once more for our annual SVDP Golf Outing!
Registration at 7 AM - Shotgun at 8 AM (Rain or Shine)
Mayfair Country Club
2229 Raber Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685
Cost: $100 per person
Includes 18 holes, a cart, breakfast prior to tee-off, lunch at turn, catered dinner and drinks, prizes!
Pay Online or Pay by check
Check: Make checks payable to K of C #14054
Mail to: St. Vincent K of C, 164 W Market St, Akron, OH 44303
OR put in Sunday offering marked “K of C Golf Outing”
Contact: John Bryan - 330.814.4300 - JRBryan86@gmail.com
Format: 4-Person Scramble Signup below.
You do not need to have a complete foursome.
We would be happy to pair up additional golfers who do not have
a team. This is a great way to meet other parishioners in the St.
Vincent Church Family.
Reserve your spot by April 26th!